Tcha Limberger

CONCERT REVIEW – Budapest Gypsy Orchestra –

19.03.2014 – Shrewsbury Coffeehouse Fire, passion, excitement and instrumental brilliance. An entertaining and absorbing live performance ‘This gig was part of an extensive British tour featuring the seven piece Gypsy Orchestra led by the remarkable violinist Tcha Limberger. Born in Belgium into a celebrated manouche musical family Limberger has been[…]

CD REVIEW – Budapest Gypsy Orchestra –

03.04.2009 – Bura Termett ido Unique Gypsy music. A significant musical document. ‘This latest release from Dave Kelbie’s Lejazzetal label is significantly different to most of the previous albums on the label. Although still concerned with Romany culture “Bura Termett Ido” (“Times Darkened By Sorrow”) does not take the music[…]