Will soon be in Belgrade 😍TCHA LIMBERGER NA 12. TODO MUNDO FESTIVALU! 🎶🌍
Od kada je prvi put uzeo gitaru u ruke, kompozitor, pevač i multiinstrumentalista Tcha Limberger je jedan od retkih svetskih muzičara koji su postali prihvaćeni i poštovani u muzičkom stilu koji nije deo njihove kulture. Njegovo predstavljanje na međunarodnoj sceni sa njegovim Transilvanijskim Kalotašeg Triom i Budimpeštanskim Ciganskim Orkestrom, kao i njegov posvećen pristup podučavanju skoro zaboravljenih tradicionalnih muzika, učinili su ga jednim od najistaknutijih i najvažnijih figura u narodnoj muzici Karpatskog basena. Za to je dobio nesvakidašnje pohvale širom sveta, kako od stručnjaka, tako i od publike. Kritičari koji govore o njegovim dostignućima tvrde da je on ‘u potpunosti sačinjen od muzike’, ‘kralj ciganske muzike’, dok ga muzičke kolege nazivaju ‘petim elementom’.
Tcha i njegov trio slušamo 20. septembra u Beogradu na Todo Mundo festivalu. Vidimo se! 💥
Since picking up his first instrument the guitar, composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist Tcha Limberger is one of a handful of world class musicians to have become accepted and respected in a style of music culturally not their own. His showcasing on the international stage of his Transylvanian Kalotaszeg Trio and Budapest Gypsy Orchestra, and his nurturing approach to teaching almost forgotten traditional musics has made him one of the most prominent and ‘important figures in folk music of the Carpathian Basin’. For this he has received unparalleled praise worldwide from professionals and public alike. Critics remarking on his achievements have claimed he is ’entirely made of music’, ‘The Polymath king of Gypsy music’, whilst musician colleagues refer to him as ‘the fifth element’.
We’ll be listening to Tcha and his trio on September 20th in Belgrade at the Todo Mundo Festival. See you! 💥
#todomundo #todomundofestival #todomundo2024 #worldmusic #musicfestival #tchalimberger
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A beautiful concert a while back at Le Quecumbar London with my father and Vilmos Csikos ... See MoreSee Less
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Had a terrific time performing for the most exquisite audience of my friends and colleagues Elba Isola Musicale d'Europa! Thank you gig inviting us !
Vilmos Csikós Benjamin Clement
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Jedva čekam da se vratim u Beograd na Todo Mundo World Music Festival. Vidimo se!
I can't wait to be back in Belgrade.. Coming up next month🎻 TCHA LIMBERGER I KALOTASZEG TRIO NA 12. TODO MUNDO FESTIVALU! 🎻
Tcha Limberger, ili po našem Ća Limberher, dolazi iz poznate belgijske romske porodice koja je vezana za tradiciju manuš muzike. 🎶 Postao je prepoznat kao jedna od najistaknutijih i najvažnijih ličnosti u narodnoj muzici Karpatskog basena. Ovaj stil, koji sviraju Romi u oblasti Transilvanije zvanoj Kalotaszeg, sa repertoarom koji potiče iz mađarske, rumunske i romske kulture, smatra se najlepšom mađarskom muzikom. 😍 Na ovom koncertu Limberger će biti na violini, a pratiće ga Toni Rudi na braču i Vilmos Csikos na basu.
🌍 Todo Mundo World Music Festival 20. septembar, Jevrejski kulturni centar Beograd , Beograd. Vidimo se!💥
Tcha Limberger comes from a renowned Belgian Manouche family. 🎶 He has become recognized as one of the most prominent and important figures in folk music of the Carpathian Basin. This style, played by Gypsies in an area of Transylvania called Kalotaszeg, with a repertoire drawn from Hungarian, Romanian, and Gypsy cultures, is considered to be the most beautiful of all Hungarian music. 😍 Limberger will be accompanied by Toni Rudi on brac and Vilmos Csikos on bass at this concert.
🌍 Festival Todo Mundo September 20, Jewish Cultural Center, Belgrade. See you there! 💥
#todomundo #todomundofestival #todomundo2024 #worldmusic
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#nellyshkolnikovafestival Liana Gourdjia ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen's post ... See MoreSee Less
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My good friends in Scotland, or if you have any other good reason to be aywhere near Edinburgh from tonight for a week, Dave Kelbie is bringing his show to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with some very fine musicians Matt Holborn John Kelly & Lorenzo Morabito. Unmissable I'd say Lejazzetal ... See MoreSee Less
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Alors qu'est-ce qu'on fait cette semaine ?
Et bien on pourrait aller au festival Guitares du Monde ce vendredi 2 août auquel je joue avec mon trio featuring Tcha Limberger 🤩.
Et pourquoi pas aller écouter Les Violons de Bruxelles au Festivalito INTO this WOOD ce samedi 3 août ?
Ah mais pour les Bruxellois il y a aussi ce concert au Crix Café ce jeudi 1er août où je serai avec l'ami Tcha 🙂 et à nouveau les fameux Boris Schmidt Music et Benjamin Clement !
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